LWC-Custom Tree with indented checkbox with event (3th-Level Hierarchy)

 Sample picture of the custom lightning web component tree with the indented checkbox.

Sample JSON

        "Items": [
                "Items": [
                        "name""Dash Absolute Return Bond Fund",
                        "name""Dash Investment Management LLC",
                        "name""Dash Institutional Trust Company",
                        "name""Dash Institutional Trust Company",
                        "name""Dash Institutional Trust Company",
                        "name""Dash Financial Management Inc",
                        "name""Dash Investment Management LLC",
                        "name""Dash Advisors (UK) Limited",
                "name""DASH INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT",
        "name""DASH GROUP",

Make an LWC component that can be used as a reusable component.

    <div class="slds-text-longform" id="dashTree">
        <ul class="myUL">
            <!--=================LEVEL-1 ITERATION==========================-->
            <template for:each={records} for:item="record" for:index="parentRec">
                <li key={record.recId}>
                    <!--=================LEVEL-2 ITERATION==========================-->
                    <template if:true={record.Items}>
                        <span class="caret">
                            <template if:true={showCheckBox}>
                                <input type="checkbox" value={record.recId} onclick={collectItem} class="chkTree_1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
                            <span class="onHover">{record.name}</span>
                        <ul class="nested">
                            <template for:each={record.Items} for:item="childRec_1" for:index="childRec_idx1">
                                <li key={childRec_1.recId}>
                                    <!--=================LEVEL-3 ITERATION==========================-->
                                    <template if:true={childRec_1.Items}> 
                                        <span class="caret">
                                            <template if:true={showCheckBox}>
                                                <input type="checkbox" value={childRec_1.recId} onclick={collectItem} class="chkTree_1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                            <span class="onHover">{childRec_1.name}</span>
                                        <ul class="nested">
                                            <template for:each={childRec_1.Items} for:item="childRec_2" for:index="childRec_idx2">
                                                <li key={childRec_2.recId}>
                                                    <template if:true={showCheckBox}>
                                                        <input type="checkbox" value={childRec_2.recId} onclick={collectItem} class="chkTree_1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                                    <span class="onHover">{childRec_2.name}</span>
                                    <template if:false={childRec_1.Items}>
                                        <template if:true={showCheckBox}>
                                            <input type="checkbox" value={childRec_1.recId} onclick={collectItem} class="chkTree_1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
                                        <span class="onHover">{childRec_1.name}</span>
                    <template if:false={record.Items}>
                        <template if:true={showCheckBox}>
                            <input type="checkbox" value={record.recId} onclick={collectItem} class="chkTree_1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
                        <span class="onHover">{record.name}</span>


import { LightningElementapitrack } from 'lwc';

export default class CustomTree extends LightningElement {
    @api searchValue = '';
    @api showCheckBox = false;
    @api records;
    @track error;

    renderedCallback() {
        //alert("Welcome to LWC Constructor!");
        let toggler = this.getElementsByClassName("caret");
        var i;

        for (i = 0i < toggler.lengthi++) {
            toggler[i].addEventListener("click"function () {

    collectItem(event) {
        try {
            //alert(event.target.value + ', ' + event.target.checked);
            var tempList = [];
            let toggler = this.template.querySelectorAll(".chkTree_1");
            var i;
            for (i = 0i < toggler.lengthi++) {
                //alert(toggler[i].value + ', ' + toggler[i].checked);
                if (toggler[i].checked) {
            //alert("Child: " + tempList);

            //Passing selected item to parent
            const custEvent = new CustomEvent(
                'select', {
                detail: { 'selectedItems': tempList }
        catch (exception) {

    parseResponse(result) {
        let parseData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result));
        for (let i = 0i < parseData.lengthi++) {
            if (parseData['Items'] != undefined) {
                parseData[i]._children = parseData['Items'];

                //ITERATION CODE FOR LEVEL-2
                for (let j = 0j < parseData[i]._children.lengthj++) {
                    if (parseData[i]._children[j]['Items'] != undefined) {
                        parseData[i]._children[j]._children = parseData[i]._children[j]['Items'];

                        //ITERATION CODE FOR LEVEL-3
                        for (let k = 0k < parseData[i]._children[j]._children.lengthk++) {
                            if (parseData[i]._children[j]._children[k]['Items'] != undefined) {
                                parseData[i]._children[j]._children[k]._children = parseData[i]._children[j]._children[k]['Items'];
                            delete parseData[i]._children[j]._children[k]['Items'];
                    delete parseData[i]._children[j]['Items'];
        delete parseData['Items'];

        this.records = parseData;

        return this.records;


liul.myUL {

.myUL {


.caret {
  -webkit-user-selectnone/* Safari 3.1+ */
  -moz-user-selectnone/* Firefox 2+ */
  -ms-user-selectnone/* IE 10+ */

.caret::before {

.caret-down::before {
  -ms-transformrotate(90deg); /* IE 9 */
  -webkit-transformrotate(90deg); /* Safari */

.nested {

.active {

How to reuse custom component

use the below code in your parent component as child.

<c-custom-tree records={bankingRecords} 

pass parameter as above mentioned.

records= Sample JSON

show-check-box = true/false

onselect = Used JS Method to get selected items value.

Script to handle the event of on select of checkbox

collectItem(event) {
   var selectedItems = event.detail.selectedItems;
   if (selectedItems.length > 0)
       alert("Selected Items: " + selectedItems);


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